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ARTICLE I – ESTABLISHMENT The Warren – Sterling Heights Area Democratic Club is
established under the Charter of the Michigan Democratic Party.
Article I – Section 1 – PURPOSE
A. To engage in fraternal, civic, charitable, social service, and political activities
and to encourage good government in the Cities of Warren, Sterling Heights, Utica, and Center
Line, the County of Macomb, the State of Michigan, and the United States of America.
B. To aid in the selection and election of capable Democratic governmental

candidates and officials.

C. To relay information to the electorate in order to ensure administration most

beneficial to the general public.

D. To promote the ideals and principles of the Democratic party.
E. To encourage and promote the participation of youth in the democratic


F. To work towards increased registration of voters in the cities of Warren,

Sterling Heights, Utica, and Center Line.

G. To increase voter turnout in elections in the cities of Warren, Sterling Heights,

Utica, and Center Line.
A. All public meetings of Warren – Sterling Heights Area Democratic Club shall
be open to attendance by all members of the Democratic Party regardless of actual or perceived
race, color, creed, sex, age, national origin, economic status, religion, ethnic identity, ancestry,
marital status, sexual orientation, physical appearance or disability.

B. No tests for membership in, nor any oaths of loyalty to, the Warren – Sterling
Heights Area Democratic Club shall be required or used which has the effect of requiring
prospective or current member of the Club to acquiesce in, condone or support discrimination
on the grounds of actual or perceived race, color, creed, sex, age, national origin, economic
status, religion, ethnic identity, ancestry, marital status, sexual orientation, physical appearance
or disability.

C. The time and place for all public meetings of the Warren -Sterling Heights
Area Democratic Club shall be publicized fully and in such a manner as to assure timely notice

to all interested persons. Such meetings must be held in places accessible to all Club members
and large enough to accommodate all interested persons.

D. The Warren – Sterling Heights Area Democratic Club shall support the
broadest possible participation without discrimination on grounds of actual or perceived race,
color, creed, sex, age, national origin, economic status, religion, ethnic identity, ancestry, marital
status, sexual orientation, physical appearance or disability.

E. The Warren – Sterling Heights Area Democratic Club shall publicize fully and
in such a manner as to assure notice to all interested parties a full description of the legal and
practical procedures for selection of Warren -Sterling Heights Area Democratic Club officers and
representatives. Publication of those procedures shall be done in such a fashion that all
prospective and current members of the Warren -Sterling Heights Area Democratic Club will be
fully and adequately informed of the pertinent procedure in time to participate in each selection
procedure of the Warren- Sterling Heights Area Democratic Club.

F. The Warren -Sterling Heights Area Democratic Club shall publicize fully and in
such a manner as to assure notice to all interested parties a complete description of the legal
and practical qualifications for all officers and representatives of the Warren -Sterling Heights
Area Democratic Club. Such publication shall be done in a timely fashion so that all prospective
candidates or applicants for any elected or appointed position within the Warren – Sterling
Heights Area Democratic Club will have full and adequate opportunity to compete for office.
G. All rules and bylaws of the Warren – Sterling Heights Area Democratic Club
shall be consistent with the Rules of the Michigan Democratic Party and shall be available on
request in writing to any member of the Warren – Sterling Heights Area Democratic Club.
H. The unit rule is prohibited in the Warren -Sterling Heights Area Democratic


I. No rule shall be adopted by the Warren -Sterling Heights Area Democratic Club
which would require a person to cast a vote or be recorded voting contrary to that person’s

J. On all questions of procedure not resolved by the Rules of the Michigan
Democratic Party or these Bylaws, the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall be used.
K. Votes shall not be taken by secret ballot at any meeting of the Warren –

Sterling Heights Area Democratic Club.
Article II – Section 1 – MEMBERSHIP
The Club shall be open to anyone regardless of residence, race, creed, national origin, gender,
age or disability. Members will receive notice of meetings or calls to action, and other Club and
Democratic Party activities. Members of Warren – Sterling Heights Democratic Club shall be

duly-elected Democratic precinct delegates and/or members of the Michigan Democratic Party
who reside in Warren, Sterling Heights, Utica, or Center Line.
Article II – Section 2 – VOTING MEMBERSHIP
Voting rights in the Warren – Sterling Heights Area Democratic Club shall be restricted to active
members. Active shall be defined as having attended at least 3 meetings of the Warren –
Sterling Heights Area Democratic Club in the last 12 months.

A. The Board of Trustees shall consist of the President, the Vice-President
Region 1, Vice President Region 2, the Secretary, the Treasurer, the Public Relations Director,
and seven At-Large Trustees elected to two-year terms from June 1 to May 31 of the second
year. The President and Vice-President from the same region must be of the opposite gender.
Each and every Trustee must be a resident of the City of Warren, Sterling Heights, or Utica,
Center Line.

B. The President shall preside at all membership and board meetings, and
transact such other duties as are usual to the office of Club President. The President shall be a
member ex-officio of all committees of the Club. No elected officials shall serve as president.
Precinct delegates are eligible to serve as president.

C. The Vice Presidents shall assist the President in the discharge of his/her
duties, and shall assume the responsibilities of the President in his/her absence as directed by
the president.

D. The Vice Presidents shall each work to ensure that voter outreach in their
respective region is sufficient to achieve the goals of the club. Each Vice President shall chair
the Campaign Committee for his/her respective region.

E. The Secretary shall keep an accurate record and minutes of the proceedings
of the meetings of the Trustees, Officers and the membership. The Secretary shall keep all
effects of the organization. The Secretary shall pass along all effects of the organization to the
next Secretary within 30 days of his/her leaving office. Should the office remain vacant for over
30 days, the secretary shall turn effects over to the president.

F. The Public Relations Director shall fulfill the meeting notification requirements
of the Club, run club social media accounts, issue press releases, and generally assist the
president in messaging on behalf of the Warren-Sterling Heights Area Democratic Club.
G. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the financial receipts and

disbursements of the Club subject to the approval of the officers. The funds of the Club shall be
deposited in a bank or credit union with the Treasurer and at least two officers as signers on the
account. Signers shall be updated within 14 days of any change in officers. The Treasurer shall
provide a financial report to the membership at all regular meetings. The Treasurer shall also

control all funds in the Club’s PAC. The Treasurer shall pass along all financial records of the
organization to the next Treasurer within 30 days of his/her leaving office. Should the office
remain vacant for over 30 days, the Treasurer shall turn financial records over to the president.
H. At-Large Trustees shall be elected as follows: 3 members from Warren, 3
members from Sterling Heights, 1 member from Utica, and 1 member from Center Line.
I. For purposes of electing a President and Vice Presidents, the club shall consist
of two regions. Region 1 shall consist of Warren and Center Line. Region 2 shall consist of
Sterling Heights and Utica.

J. All officers shall report to the Board of Trustees.
K. The Board of Trustees shall conduct the business of the Club including
questions of policy, between regular monthly meetings of the Club membership except that the
Board of Trustees may not: Remove trustees of the board; Amend this Constitution and Bylaws;
Endorse candidates on behalf of the Club;

L. When conducting the business of the Board of Trustees, the presence of 8 of

14 of the members of the Board of Trustees shall constitute a quorum.

M. Should the President resign during a term of office, be removed, or the office
otherwise become vacant, the Board of Trustees shall nominate a replacement who shall be
confirmed by a majority vote at the next membership meeting.

N. Should another Officer or Trustee resign during a term of office, be removed,
or the office otherwise become vacant, the President may nominate a replacement to complete
the term of office. The membership must confirm the nomination by a majority vote at the next
membership meeting.

O. Any officer or member of the Board of Trustees may be removed from office
by a recommendation of the board and a two-thirds vote of eligible voting members at the next
general membership meeting

P. Any official who has been elected as a Democrat to a partisan office that
represents the territory of the club shall be a non-voting ex-officio member of the Board of

Q. Any official who has been elected to a non-partisan office with the formal
endorsement of the club and who lives within its territory shall be a non-voting ex-officio
member of the Board of Trustees.

R. Any non-partisan elected official who lives within the clubs territory but has not
previously been endorsed by the club, but who has participated in club activity for at least three
months, can seek to be added as an ex-officio member of the Board of Trustees by a majority
vote of the membership after a screening and recommendation by the endorsement committee.

S. Ex-officio members of the Board of Trustees may be permitted to vote on
specific matters before the executive board at the discretion of the President with concurrence
of a majority of the board. Ex-officio members of the Board of Trustees shall have voting rights
at general membership meetings, regardless of where they reside, as long as they are active as
defined above.
Article III – Section 2 – COMMITTEES
Committee membership is appointed by the President and is open to all members of the club.
Committee Chairs are appointed by the President in consultation with the Board of Trustees.
A. FUNDRAISING This committee shall strive to organize at least one annual


B. OUTREACH AND EVENTS This committee shall put on Town Hall meetings,
debates, bring speakers to the meetings, and organize rallies. This committee will also develop
the capacity to personally contact all potential voters in Warren, Sterling Heights, Utica, and
Center Line. It will also find opportunities to be visible in the community through philanthropy
and participation in community events.

CAMPAIGN ORGANIZATION There shall be a campaign committee for each region. These

committees shall organize the Club’s members to phone bank, to do mailings, to do door-to-
door canvassing, to find speaking engagements or visibility, to raise money for Democratic

candidates running for Governor, US Senate, US House, State House, State Senate, County
Commissioner, and local city positions. These committees shall also recommend candidate
endorsements to the membership.

D. AUDIT This committee shall be led by the club secretary and shall consist of
one trustee from each region and two general members. The committee shall perform an annual
independent audit of the club’s finances in June of each year, to be reported at the next general
membership meeting.

E. OTHER COMMITTEES The president may form any additional committees at

his/her discretion, or upon a vote of the executive board.
Article IV – Section 1 – Nominations for Office Active Members of the Club shall elect the
officers and At-Large members of the Board of Trustees at the May membership meeting held in
odd years. Each voting member may vote for one candidate for each officer position, up to three
candidates for the Sterling Heights Trustees, three candidates for the Warren Trustees, one
candidate for Utica Trustee, and one candidate for the Center Line Trustee. In the event of a tie,
additional votes shall be taken, but only for those candidates who are tied, until the tie is broken.
Article IV – Section 2 – Election of Officers Elections shall be carried out as follows:

A. PROXY VOTING There shall be no proxy voting.
B. CANDIDATE ANNOUNCEMENTS Upon the close of nominations, the
Elections Chair shall announce to meeting attendees the name of all individuals nominated to
hold office.

C. VOTING All voting shall be conducted in a public manner.
D. SINGLE OFFICE A member shall not hold more than one elective office at any

one time.
Membership meetings of the Club shall be held once a month. However, the President may
decide not to hold a membership meeting in particular months. Members shall be notified of
monthly meetings in a timely manner.
Article V – Section 2 – SPECIAL MEETINGS Special membership meetings may be
called by the president or by any 4 officers and/or trustees.
Article V – Section 3 BOARD MEETINGS The Board of Trustees shall meet as often as
required to carry out the administration of the organization at times, places and dates to be
determined by the President or by four (4) officers and/or trustees.
Article V – Section 4 ANNUAL MEETINGS The Annual Meeting will be a time for the
President to report to the membership the Club’s accomplishments over past the year including
but not limited to money raised, elections, club activities, candidate help, visibility, and issue
awareness. The Annual meeting will be the May membership meeting unless otherwise decided
by the Board of Trustees.
ARTICLE VI – FISCAL YEAR The fiscal year of the Club shall begin June 1 and end on
May 31 to coincide with when the new trustees take office in odd years.
Article VII – Section 1 ANNUAL DONATIONS Annual donations shall be set by a majority
vote of the Executive Board. Donations shall be requested of members, but not required, at the
May General Membership Meeting.
Article VII – Section 2 GIFTS Gifts, bequests and contributions may be accepted by the
Article VII – Section 3 EXPENSES The Executive Board, upon majority vote, may spend
up to $1,000.00 per calendar year for civic and or charitable purposes. Any expenditure will be
reported to the general membership at the next regular meeting.
ARTICLE VIII – ENDORSEMENTS The Board of Trustees shall pass and enforce procedures
governing endorsement of candidates.

or modifications to these Bylaws may be made by a two-thirds vote of those members eligible to
vote who are physically present at a membership meeting provided that a proper 10 calendar
day notice of the proposed Bylaws changes has been sent.
ARTICLE X – DISSOLUTION In the event of dissolution of the Club, all real and personal
property shall revert to the Michigan State Central Democratic Committee.

©2024 by Warren Sterling Heights  Democratic Club. Proudly created with

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